Do you have a question about relationships and flirting?

You can email me about any of your relationship and flirtation questions, and I'll be happy to address them in my blog. Won't that be fun! Its very Dear Abby, but hey...I'm just as good as she is! Just put "Dear Ottis" in the subject. Make sure your letters are annoymous though, to protect you and me. Send all questions to

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Photo Shoot

So, for my first time ever, I got to be involved in a photo shoot...well sort of.  My food was the focus of the shoot, but I was super excited.  I've put some of the photo's here for your enjoyment.  Let me know what you think!  I'd love input and so forth.  Obviously not everything is perfect (my fault, not the photographers) but, I'm still pretty proud of what I did.

~Artichoke Heart/Spinach Tartlettes:  flaky tartlettes filled with fresh spinach chiffonade, artichoke heart and freshly grated Parmesan.

~Traditional Bruschetta:  finely chopped tomatoes and basil chiffonade on a fire-crusted garlic baguette served with reduced Balsamic syrup drizzle.

~Pollo al Fromaggio :  braised chicken topped with goat cheese and served with a sun-dried tomato veloute.  Served with couscous.

~Lemon Curd:  pastry square shells filled with Les Freres Gourmands own fresh lemon curd and topped with candied lemon peel.


  1. Are you serious? It looks pretty perfect to me!! And delicious... I'm hungry... :) Are you going to use it for advertising?

  2. Being present for both the photoshoot as well as the complete scarfing of this food, I must say, though Andrea did a fantastic job and it all looks amazing, there is no picture that can capture the grogeousness of that food! As my first introduction to fine-dining I couldn't have been more pleased ;) And can we talk about those little lemon curds??? Whatever. So good. Isaac and I couldn't get enough of that artichoke business. Brilliant work, Land O'...
