In this weeks episode of Glee, the group had to become more theatrical. To do this, they called in the best of pop music today: Lady Gaga. The girls of the group. . . and Kirt loved this assignment and went all out. The boys on the other hand were a little uneasy about the assignment. They didn't want to sing a girl's song (since obviously they have never done that before. . . ).
Well, as usual, I shan't be singing, but just found my favorite Lady Gaga cover. This is a 13 year old kid that became famous after his rendition of Paparazzi went viral on the internet. He's quite good. His piano playing is pretty flawless and his voice. . . well its that of a 13 year old. However, the changes that he made were wonderful, dramatic, and very inventive.
Here it is. I hope you all enjoy it!